In a recent article, Ralph Nader is recommending that Newt Gingrich run as a 3rd party candidate. This would be a big mistake if Gingrich is concerned for the welfare of the American people. Nader propbably knows that and being a liberal would be happy if Obama wins a second term so it's not surprising that he says that.
Bill Clinton became president not because most of the people were in favor of him over George Bush but rather because Ross Perot stole votes away from those who would have otherwise voted for Bush. The same thing will happen if Gingrich decides to run as an Independent. He would steal Republican votes causing Obama to keep this nation in a slump for a second term.
Nader knows that nobody in their right mind will vote for the Green Party's candidate Rosanne Barr and being the liberal that he is its no wonder why he wants Gingrich to continue to run even if he doesn't represent the Republicans. Don't do it Newt!!!