Friday, September 30, 2011

Why We're Still In A Recession

In the past I've noticed that fresh college graduates who majored in business tend to be arrogant and cocky and think that they've learned what it takes to become rich when they have yet to experience the real world. It appears that these same tactics taught in school, the textbook examples, are what are being applied to the real world when each scenario needs some adjustment. The same think can be cited from many patients who go to the Doctor and he assumes their ailment is the same thing as the rest of their patients, because they failed to listen to the one detail in the patients given symptoms which render their condition something else. In most cases their failed diagnoses is for one that is more life threatening than what the Dr. assumed their condition to be.

It is evident that the same thing is happening with the economy from all those dumb politicians running the show, thanks to ignorant voters who should have never been given the right to vote in the first place. When the government was established, only those who owned land were given the right to vote. This allowed people who had a vested interest in what the government does to choose people that would represent them adequately. Now everyone is given the right to vote including all these illegal immigrants, thanks to voter fraud. The fact that people in government and the fed. fail to accommodate their treatment of this recession for it's particular symptoms are since they have been indoctrinated in their own way of doing things and not in how things should be done. Personally, they should all be sued for malpractice.

Despite this recession having persisted, they are still stuck in their own stupid mentality. How they tried to fix things, which failed, is still how they are trying to correct things now. All they think is stimulus and they still think that it's the way to correct the economy, as evidenced by a recent article. The reality is, is that this recession is very much like nausea. I've gone deep sea fishing twice. The first time, I didn't take any dramamine. It took 3 hours before the boat finally came to a stop, and when it did was when I got sea sick. I was throwing up, yet catching plenty of fish. By the time the boat was on it's 3 hour trip back to shore I felt fine and was enjoying the boat ride. In lieu of getting sea sick, the second time around I took dramamine before I got on the boat. This time I got sick during the 3 hour ride to the Gulf Stream. I was unable to fish and only caught a couple fish that whole time. Moreover, I had this weird floaty feeling for up to a week afterwards when I was in a car. While not taking dramamine produced a drastic impact, I was able to recover rapidly. The dramamine didn't prevent me from being sea sick. It instead lessened the blow of the seasickness by stretching out the duration of it.

The same thing could be said for squandering our hard earned tax dollars on stimulus. If we didn't do anything, the recession would have been one major jolt but would have already recovered. All the stimulus did is mellow out the impact of the recession but by stretching out the duration, only with each stimulus the government does, it digs us deeper and deeper into debt. Apparently we have crossed the threshold of the event horizon to the point of no return since the same people who wasted away all those dollars are still in charge and still doing the same thing because they haven't learned their lesson.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Finally The Government Is Beginning To Doing Something Against Unions.

I just noticed an article on yahoo finance titled: "Judge blocks slowdown by US Airways pilots". Apparently the union pilots were deliberately delaying flights. It's good to see a judge taking action against the union since the government always seems to do everything in favor of unions and against businesses, to hinder them from actually earning a revenue which allows them to hire more people. Unions have been the scourge of businesses for decades and are unnecessary. While they were a necessity at one time, better labor laws have taken into effect that unions have become leeches on businesses. Being leeches, when the economy suffers a downturn, as we have seen in recent years, these businesses simply can't afford the terms of the unions that they end up going bankrupt, as seen with General Motors. This is worse for the state of California which unionized their government employees a few decades ago. their funds have been slowly funneled to the union workers that now, after a few decades we're beginning to see the effects as the state faces bankruptcy. Since we have the National Board of Labor there is no reason for unions to maintain operation. The government should force unions to cease operation once and for all so that businesses can grow and we can once again experience the economic prosperity that made this nation great. The presiding judge over the issue is Judge Robert J. Conrad Jr., a good conservative Republican. Good work Judge Conrad. Keep it up!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's About Time The Government Does Something Worthwhile - Like Shutting Down

I just noticed an article on yahoo finance titled "Congress Can’t Compromise: Government May Shutdown Over Funding For FEMA". Let them shut down. This way they will be using less tax payer dollars to operate. Of course, I'm sure they'll find ways to squander the tax dollars not spent for them to operate while they're shut down. Regardless, FEMA is a useless government agency. We've seen their absolutely horrendous track record with their response to hurricane Katrina as well as other forms of devastation. There is nothing FEMA can do that the military can't. The military trains their troops on discipline, obeying orders, and efficiency. FEMA on the other hand deals with bureaucracy and slow response of their inefficient government employees. Why not just get rid of FEMA altogether and let the military handle emergencies as they can get the job done.